Library Juice 2:44 - November 17, 1999


1. Judy Blume's Harry Potter editorial from the New York Times
2. US Court abdicates law for media ideology (FINS story)
3. for Consumers
4. _The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy_
5. Medical World Search
6. 66th IFLA General Conference, to be held in Jerusalem, Israel, 2000
7. Top 20 Learning Disabilities Resources for Libraries
8. PLGnet-L discussion: notable librarians in history
9. "Intellegence" URLs
10. Historical List of US Intelligence Policy Documents
11. Publications received
12. Green Flash Page

Quote for the week:

Let us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never do
any harm to the world.  --Voltaire

Homepage of the week:
Sarah Struble's Thoughtoids: Curiously Strong Tidbits 



Judy Blume's Harry Potter editorial from the New York Times is
available on the National Coalition Against Censorship Web site at

Don Wood
American Library Association
Office for Intellectual Freedom

2. US Court abdicates law for media ideology (FINS story)

November 15, 1999

New from FINS

There are no civic voices in the DC Circuit's "media aristocracy,"
who speaks for democratic sustainability, social equity, and
ecological integrity.  Only the "Golden Rule" of investor
interests prevails in the channels of the Congressional press
galleries.  Everyone else is shut down, turned off, or drowned
out.  Telecommunications infrastructure and TV-broadcasting
have been similarly rigged.  See the inside story in this issue:

US Court abdicates law for media ideology

Vigdor Schreibman -- FINS
Federal Information News Syndicate

3. for Consumers

          The main sections of this huge resource are: Drug
          Information, full text of the PDR Family Guides to:
          Prescription Drugs, Women's Health, and Encyclopedia of
          Medical Care; Clinical Trial Information, which leads to
          Center Watch, with a wealth of information related to
          clinical trials; Info about Doctors, which leads to Health
          Pages, with databases to help select physicians as well as
          dentists, managed care plans, and hospitals; Magazine
          Archives (full-text articles from 13 medical journals -
          most free, from current date back to 1996); and Getting
          Well Network, which covers allergies, arthritis, breast
          cancer, ear infection (otitis media), hypertension, and
          osteoporosis. From the publishers of the Physicians Desk
          Reference. Free registration is required and the PDR and
          Stedman's Medical Dictionary require fees. - se
          Subjects: drugs | health | medicine | physicians

Librarians' Index to the Internet

4. _The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy_ (seventeenth edition)

The seventeenth edition of the _The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and
Therapy_ is available free at the Website of Merck and Co., Inc. This
1999 centennial edition of the _Manual_ has been edited by Mark H.
Beers and Robert Berkow and includes contributions from hundreds of
experts in the medical field. Users will find over 300 chapters on
medical diseases, disorders, and related drug information in 23
specialty areas that include Nutritional Disorders, Cardiovascular
Disorders, Infectious Diseases, Gynecology/ Obstetrics, Clinical
Pharmacology, and Poisoning. Entries for each disease or disorder
provide information such as causes and risk factors, symptoms and
diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. The _Manual_ is searchable by
keyword and includes hyperlinks to chapters, topics, diagrams, and
tables throughout the text. A print or palm pilot version can be
ordered at the site. [GW]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.

5. Medical World Search

Medical World Search is a search engine for medicine and medicinal
topics at  . It's a full
text search engine of 100,000 Web pages from selected sites.

[From ResearchBuzz ]

6. 66th IFLA General Conference, to be held in Jerusalem, Israel, 2000

Date:         Mon, 15 Nov 1999 16:21:19 +0100
From: Josche Neven <josche.neven[at]IFLA.NL>
Subject:      66th IFLA General Conference Web-site

Dear Colleagues,

IFLA is happy to announce that full information about the 66th IFLA
General Conference, held in Jerusalem, Israel is now available on IFLANET.

You will be able to find information about registration, the theme(s),
the programme, the exhibition and much more at:

Ms. Josche Neven
IFLA Communications and Project Officer

IFLA Headquarters
P.O. Box 95312           Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5
2509 CH  The Hague, The Netherlands      
Tel: +31-70-314 0884    Fax: +31-70-383 4827

E-mail: josche.neven[at]

7. Top 20 Learning Disabilities Resources for Libraries

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jennifer Grube <jgrube[at]ALA.ORG>
Subject: Top 20 Learning Disabilities Resources for Libraries

You may have heard about our famous "Top 20" LD resources list - we've
included it here so you can share it with others! To date, over
136,000 "Top 20" lists have been distributed to libraries, LD
organizations, and library partners across the nation.

Color and HTML copies of list and other LD information is available
upon request to (312) 280-4399 or via email, agorman[at] Or visit
the the Roads To Learning web page,, for online

Top 20 LD Resources for Libraries

Bridges to Reading, Second Edition
San Mateo, CA: Schwab Foundation for Learning, 1999.
Full kit, $24.95. Library Edition: Free to libraries with request on
letterhead or via e-mail to info[at] To be available
summer 1999. Phone: 800-230-0988
Beginning steps for parents in identifying, understanding, and
addressing reading problems experienced by their children.

Cicci, Regina
What's wrong with me? Learning disabilities at home and school.
MD: York Press, Inc.,1995. ISBN 0-912752-38-6 $26.50
Phone: 800-962-2763. Common learning disabilities and how to work
with people who have them.

Dyslexia: A Different Kind of Mind
(video, 29 min.) Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and
Sciences, 1997.  $129 .00 Phone: 800-257-5126 
Web orders:
Basic science, strengths and challenges, multisensory teaching
strategies and assistive technology.

Fisher, Gary and Rhoda Cummings
The survival guide for kids with LD.
Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing, 1990.
ISBN 0-915793-18-0  $9.95 trade paper or Demco Media
ISBN 0-606-02704-1 $15.15 Trade cloth
Also Free Spirit: ISBN 0-915793-20-2 $10.00 Paper book and audiocassette
ISBN 0-915793-21-0 Audiocassette only
Free Spirit's phone: 800-735-7323.
LD in terms kids can understand, emphasizing that kids with LD can be
winners too.  Ages 8-12, reading level 2.7. Also available in Spanish.
"Highly recommended" - VOYA

Fisher, Gary and Rhoda Cummings
When your child has LD: A survival guide for parents.
MN: Free Spirit Publishing, 1995.
ISBN 0-915793-87-3 $12.95 Paper
Phone: 800-735-7323.
Effects of LD, legal rights, "dos and don'ts," and case studies.

Hall, Susan L. and Louisa C. Moats
Straight talk about reading: How parents can make a difference in the
early years.
Chicago, IL: Contemporary Publishing Company, 1998.
ISBN 0-8092-2857-2 $12.95
How children learn to read plus practical advice on reading guidance.

Hallowell, Edward
When you worry about the child you love.
New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1997.
ISBN 0-684-83268-2  $11.00 Perfect
DIANE, 1999 ISBN 0-7881-6000-1  $23.00 Trade cloth
General reference, causes, symptoms, effects and
possible treatment of over 30 conditions.

How Difficult Can This Be? F.A.T. City
(70 minutes, video and manual)
Alexandria, VA: PBS Video, 1990. $49.95
Available from WETA Videos
Phone: 800-343-5540 (9-5 ET, Mon-Fri)
or through LD OnLine
Rick Lavoie explores the difficulties faced by children with LD
via simulations that recreate their experience.

Hurford, Daphne M.
To read or not to read: Answers to all your questions about dyslexia.

NY: Simon & Schuster, 1998.
ISBN 0-684-83950-4 $23.00 Trade cloth
ISBN: 0-684-85541-0 $14.00 Trade paper, 1999
Types of dyslexia, current theory, diagnosis, remediation,
technology, resource list.

LD OnLine (Web site)
Washington, DC: WETA.
The best on the Web for learning disabilities information, reading
research, teacher tips, links to other resources and much more.
Visit the Kids' Zone too.

Levine, Mel
All kinds of minds: A young student's book about learning abilities
and learning disorders.
Cambridge, MA: Educators Publishing Service, 1993.
ISBN 0-8388-2090-5 $24.75 Trade paper
Also on audiocassette. Phone: 1-800-225-5750
Shows kids how they learn, what makes it difficult, and how strengths
can be used to improve.

Osman, Betty B.
Learning disabilities and ADHD: A family guide to living and learning
Revised edition NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
ISBN 0-471-15510-1 $14.95 Paper text
A practical update of a respected volume.

Peterson's guide to colleges with programs for students with learning
disabilities or attention deficit disorders, Fifth Edition.
Magrum, Charles T. II and Stephen S. Strichart (Eds.) Princeton, NJ:
Peterson, 1997. ISBN 1-56079-853-X $32.95 Trade paper with CD-ROM
More than 900 two-year colleges and universities with special
services. Get the most current edition.

Reiff, Henry, Paul Gerber, and Rick Ginsberg
Exceeding Expectations: Successful Adults with Learning Disabilities.
Austin, TX: Pro-Ed, 1997. ISBN 0-89079-705-6 $27.00 Paper text
Success rather than failure, ability rather than disability, and what
leads to positive outcomes.

Roby, Cynthia
When learning is tough: Kids talk about Learning Disabilities
Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman & Co., 1994.
ISBN 0-8075-8892-X $13.95 Paper
Tells how young people with learning problems feel, and illustrates
that learning problems can be solved. Elementary and middle school.

Silver, Larry B.
The misunderstood child: A guide for parents of children with
learning disabilities.
Third Edition. NY: Times Books, 1998.
ISBN 0-8129-2987-3 Trade cloth
Ways to help LD youngsters, including social, emotional and family
issues related to learning disabilities.

Smith, Corinne and Lisa Strick
Learning disabilities A TO Z: A parent's complete guide to learning
disabilities from preschool to adulthood.
NY: The Free Press, 1997. ISBN 0-684-82738-7 $25.00 Trade cloth or
NY: Simon & Schuster, 1999. ISBN 0-684-84468-0 $15.00 Trade paper
Causes, identification, treatment, and management of LD.

Smith, Sally L.
No easy answers: The learning disabled child at home and at school.
NY: Bantam, 1995. ISBN 0-553-35450-7 $12.95
Also in hard cover and cassette versions, and languages other than
English. Creative, practical ideas for diverse populations.

Transitions to Postsecondary Learning
(Video, 47 min.) Canada: No Boundary Communications, 1998.
ISBN 0-968407-1-2  $139.95 Guides and workbook included.
Phone: 800-933-4063
Basic explanation of LD plus practical steps for successful education
beyond high school. Recommended by Booklist, 3/1/99.

Vail, Priscilla L. (Ed.)
Smart kids with school problems: Things to know and ways to help.
New York: New American Library/Dutton, 1987.
ISBN 0-525-24557-x  $18.95
Suggestions for success in school, preschool through college.


8. PLGnet-L discussion: notable librarians in history

This thread on PLGnet-L started as a discussion of Time Magazine's
list of ideas for "person of the century."  Hitler was on the list,
which seemed wrong to some list members, thus the start of the discussion.
It turned a corner last Tuesday, as follows:

..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..

To: PLGNet-L[at]
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 07:36:06 -0800

Celia Perez writes:
>THREE women in the top 20--Mother Teresa, Madonna (?), and Princess
Diana (?).  Ugh, pathetic.  But then, what can one expect when "the King"
is at the top of the list?

What?  Where's Ataturk?  I thought he was running away w/ this thing,
thanks to enthusiastic ballot-box stuffing from Turkey ('stuffing',
hmm...all holiday puns, entirely unintended...)   Now it's Elvis?

Wha'ever.  The important question, if there are any truly important fin
de siecle questions is: Who are the librarians of the century?  Harriet
Eddy maybe, Sanford Berman--who d'ya nominate?  (I'd say 'whom', the
objective case being standard there, except I'm only support staff so
it's not allowed).

Bruce Jensen
   PLUS:  Public Libraries Using Spanish 
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Who is the most famous librarian.
Most people in the world recognize his name.
Many of his countrymen, think of him as one of their greatest national
He didn't become famous as a librarian,
Scroll down for answer
Speak Truth to Power

Tom Baxter, USA 66-69, Vietnam  67-69

Progressive Librarians


Veterans for Peace

PO Box 10358, Tallahassee, Florida 32302-9752

When you absolutely, positively have to know, ask a librarian.

Answer: Mao Tse-Tung
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my vote:
Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan, or just yo, Rang! for short.
how can it get any better than classifying everything into:
personality, matter, energy, space, time.

Alexander Zimmerman
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Thanks for the riddle, Tom!  I used to try to keep a list of famous
people who had been librarians/ library workers.  I remember: the
Brothers Grimm and Casanova from times past.  The poet Marianne Moore
worked at the NYPL for years.  And of course that great bibliophile,
Borges.  Who else?

Alison M. Lewis, Ph.D. - OPAC/Re-Con Manager
American Philosophical Society Library
105 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
215-440-3444   alewis[at]
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Anne Tyler used to be the Russian bibliographer at Duke, in 1962-63,
I believe.

Renee McBride
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I think the poet Philip Levine was a librarian, but didn't like it
very much.

--steve harris
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A good website on this topic is:

It also provides links to pages about librarians/libraries in film (which
includes a reference to a typical stereotyping insult: "Gee, we've won an
'award' of sorts. This site has been honored (?) by being listed among the
elite 'Useless Pages' on the web. We're in 'The Uselessness of Movies'
section, with the warning 'Be very quiet when you look at this page.'
When you've time on your hands, visit to see the
company we're keeping") and librarians/libraries in mystery novels.

Carol Reid
New York State Library
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Also, the poet Philip Larkin was a librarian.  And the writer Arna Bontemps.
And Archibald MacLeish was Librarian of Congress.

Jeff Purdue
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The Scottish philosopher and historian David Hume spent
several years as the Librarian at the Law Library at
University of Edinborough.

Alan Mattlage
Reference/Instruction Librarian
Arts and Humanities Team
0131 McKeldin Library
University of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742
..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..

my vote:

Lao Tzu!
and of course that would make gatekeeper Yin Hsi, who asked him to
write down his wisdom, my vote for archivist!

alexander zimmerman
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Okay, this is a lame one but being a HUGE  Smiths fan I have to include it
anyway.  Morrissey's mom was a librarian.  She's not famous, but she gave
birth to Morrissey for chrissakes! 

Celia C. Perez
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Marcel Duchamp, an important/great 20th century figure if I'm the one you're
asking, was a paraprofessional level librarian before his "career" "took

-Derek Monypeny
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I believe, if my recollection serves me, the French poet, Guillaume
Appolinaire, worked at the Bibliotheque Nationale, fittingly enough as the
curator of the section known colloquially as "L'enfer", which contained the
collection of forbidden books. His bibliographic research there undoubtedly
informed his own quite notable forays into pornography, "Les Onze Milles
Verges" and "Les Memoires D'Un Jeune Don Juan".

Mark Rosenzweig
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Actually, it was Philip Larkin I was thinking of, not Philip Levine.
Scratch Levine from the list . . . he weren't no liberrian! 

--steve harris
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Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas worked at the National Library (in
Havana?), where he wrote his first book, Singing from the Well.  Seems
it was a great place to work (the director really only expected five
hours of work per day) until the director, Maria Teresa Freyre de
Andrade, was ousted and replaced, according to Arenas, by a captain of
Fidel Castro's police.

Audre Lorde, poet and activist, was a librarian. See her mythobiography,

Katharine Reed
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I am so impressed. I have new hope for my ailing career in librarianship.
Keiller MacDuff
begrudging MLIS student, Wellington, NZ
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Hear, hear, and my own inspiration was the poet Philip
Larkin, a librarian his entire life, who ended up
director of the library at the University of Hull from
1955 to 1985.  Here's one to bore you busy librarians,

Sad Steps

     Groping back to bed after a piss
     I part thick curtains, and am startled by
     The rapid clouds, the moon's cleanliness.

     Four o'clock: wedge-shadowed gardens lie
     Under a cavernous, a wind-picked sky.
     There's something laughable about this,

     The way the moon dashes through clouds that blow
     Loosely as cannon-smoke to stand apart
     (Stone-coloured light sharpening the roofs below)

     High and preposterous and separate -
     Lozenge of love! Medallion of art!
     O wolves of memory! Immensements! No,

     One shivers slightly, looking up there.
     The hardness and the brightness and the plain
     Far-reaching singleness of that wide stare

     Is a reminder of the strength and pain
     Of being young; that it can't come again,
     But is for others undiminished somewhere.

--- Steven Harris <harris[at]> wrote:
> I think the poet Philip Levine was a librarian, but
> didn't like it
> very much.

P.S. I'd also like to add a vote for
journalist/librarian Ulrike Meinhof.  If you don't
know her story, click on

-Catty Librarian
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What about Herman Kruk, librarian of the Ghetto in Vilne (see, mentioned in Joshua Sobol's

-Raimund Dehmlow
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Thanks so much for everyone's wonderful suggestions for famous
librarians -- I've gotten several new names to add to my list!  One new
one to me, Arna Bontemps, who was suggested by Jeffery Purdue, actually
had an MLS from Chicago and worked at Fisk -- in addition to being a
major player the Harlem Renaissance!  He's best known to me as a poet,
but he also wrote some popular children's books.
Alison M. Lewis
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I nominate Thomas Gates as Librarian of the Century," both published
historian and Reference Librarian Extraordinary

-Peter Kaiser
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Two librarians whose work reinforced the gains of the civil rights movement
are E.J. Josey and Sandy Berman.  I think that's being a "library person of
the century"!

Miriam Pickens, Detroit
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I'd like to add one more to the "librarians of the century" thread: Hal
Draper, who was a librarian at Cal-Berkeley as well as being a very
important figure in the history of the U.S. socialist left.

In 1940 Draper helped form the Workers Party, which espoused a "Third
Camp" brand of revolutionary socialism equally opposed to both capitalism
and Stalinism. From 1949 to 1959, while living in New York, he edited the
newspaper Labor Action. During the 1960s, while working as a librarian at
Berkeley, he became a respected Marx scholar, and over the next three
decades produced a series of studies culminating in his famous four-
volume work _Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution_ (published by Monthly
Review Press).

While a librarian at Berkeley, Draper (along with his wife Anne) served as
an important bridge between the Old and New Lefts. He was close to Mario
Savio and the Free Speech Movement, and in 1964 published the pamphlet
"The Mind of Clark Kerr" and a book, _Berkeley: The New Student Revolt_.
He also organized an Independent Socialist Club, which later formed
branches in other cities. In 1969 the Independent Socialist Clubs became
the International Socialists, a group that played an important role in
rank-and-file union movements in the 1970s, helping to organize Teamsters
for a Democratic Union among other things. (The Drapers left the IS in
1971, however, criticizing it as sectarian.)

Draper's vision of "socialism from below", as most clearly expressed in
his 1966 essay in the journal _New Politics_, "The Two Souls of
Socialism", is as relevant today as ever and continues to influence many
socialist activists in the U.S. and around the world.

So, along with all the other illustrious names that have been mentioned, I
would like to honor Hal Draper as a "librarian of the century"!

-- Mark Hudson
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Hal also wrote the wonderful 'library science' fiction story:

 MS Fnd in a Lbry: or, the day civilisation collapsed
 [ ]

Here's fair use at work:

" From: Report of the Commander,
  Seventh Expeditionary Force,
  Andromedan Paleoanthropological Mission

... What puzzled our research teams was the suddenness of the
collapse, and the speed of reversion to barbarism, in the
multi-galactic civilization of the biped race. Obvious causes like
war, destruction, plague, or invasion were speedily eliminated. Now
the outlines of the picture emerged, the answer makes me

... On the mother planet there are early traces of _books_. This word
denotes paleoliterary records of knowledge in representational and
macroscopic form. Of course, these disappeared very early, perhaps
175,000 of our yukals ago, when their increase threatened to leave no
place on the planet's surface for anything else."

-Chris Mays
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You can join PLGnet-L at

9. "Intellegence" URLs

From ResPool -

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date sent:       Mon, 06 Sep 1999 23:36:46 -0400 (EDT)
From:            rosaphil <rugosa[at]>
Subject:         intel resources: Re: AFIO? (fwd)
To:              (list deleted to avoid spamming)

from an anonymous freund
visit before they get shut down!

+********** Snail me yer rosehips if you liked this post! ************
*Better Living Thru Better Living!* *

1)  NIP Mail listserv
2)  Cloaks&Daggers listserv
3)  ZGrams (NMIA), <cyberwynd[at]>

Updated September 6, 1999

BEST INTEL WEBSITE  (in my opinion)


NY TIMES 1998 CIA PAGE (Tim Weiner)




INTELLIGENCE REFORM (1996) (Aspin / Brown)
(IC21) (CFR)

SPECIAL REPORTS (warning, 1997)
(Rumsfeld, 98) (Bay Pigs) (Jeremiah ‘98)  (cocaine)

College Course

BUSINESS (COMPETITIVE) INTELLIGENCE[at][at]y7yrfauarijhm2qe/fortune/1997/970217/boo.html  (Japanese)












CIA, Center for Study of Intelligence

CIA FOIA documents

CIA WORLD FACTBOOK (not about intelligence, but indispensable)


NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE (declassified documents)


CRITICS OF THE CIA & INTELLIGENCE   (Mel Goodman)   (IPS)   (Shirley) (McGehee)


FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICES  (UK)  (SOE)   (UK, MI-5) (UK)   (UK, GCHQ)  (Canada, CSIS) (Canada)  (Australia)

ON LINE JOURNALS  (AFJI)   (Aviation Week)  (military-related publicatons)

SPECIAL REPORTS (warning, 1997)
(Rumsfeld, 98) (Bay Pigs) (Jeremiah(‘98)  (cocaine)

PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS  (AFIO)  (NMIA)  (NIP)  (OSS)  (Old Crows)  (OPSEC pros)  (AFCEA) (Air America Assoc)   (Cloak & Dagger Books)  (history grp, German)  (CIA jokester)

LISTSERVS  (discussion) (Naval Intelligence Professionals)
    (Cloaks & Daggers)

:-) Message ends, Signature begins (-:
George Lessard whose life is currently in "...transition..."
(Read as: He's both jobless and homeless at the moment.)
Suggestions / info on jobsearch, patronage /
residencies & commissions (in the artistic sense)
should be sent to mediamentor[at]
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly
find out how far one can go." T.S. Eliot...
"If you think you are too small to make a difference,
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito..." African Proverb
ICQ # 8501081
Moderator Creative-Radio
MediaMentor Weblog
Disclaimers & (c) info

10. Historical List of US Intelligence Policy Documents

        A "comprehensive list of nearly all key national security
        policy documents issued from the Kennedy through the
        Bush well as a list of NSC
        Intelligence Directives for the 1947-1975 time period."
        Adobe Acrobat for PDF format is required. There are
        also directions on how to get copies of the full-text of
        the listed documents that aren't still classified, with links
        to the National Archives Information Locator (NAIL),
        and some presidential libraries that offer the texts on
        their site. From the National Security Council, as a part
        of the White House site. - smb
        Subjects: governments - federal | freedom of information

Librarians' Index to the Internet

11. Publications received

from Martyn Lowe in the UK. Thanks, Martyn.

Freedom Press Bookshop Spring 1999 Retail and Wholesale List -
"For over 100 years Freedom Press has been a publisher and
distributor of anarchist and alternative social and political
literature.  As we approach the third millenium, while others pursue
the latest fad or cult we consider it important to continue this
work.  Thus, in addition to its fortnightly newspaper _Freedom_
(Founded by Peter Kropotkin and Charlotte Wilson in 1886) and its
quarterly journal _The Raven_ (1987), Fredom Press now has over 70
titles in print, covering the history and development of the
anarchist movement, as well as its philosophy and its practical
application to the problems of modern society.  Freedom Press's wide
variety of authors (from Kropotkin, Emma Goldman and Lweis Mumford,
to Alex Comfort, Marie Louise  Berneri, Colin Ward and Murray
Bookchin) write on a broad spectrum of topics: Capitalism, the State,
Revolution, Social Ecology, History, War and Peace, Transport, Health,
Children, Education, and Housing.  We also publish several strip
cartoon books, a boxed set of anarchist biography-and-portrait cards,
the world's first anthology of anarchist poetry in English, a
children's illustrated story book and a fictional anarchist Utopia."
(From the catalog.) Your book jobber doesn't handle Freedom Press,
so you'll have to get their catalog directly.  Write to Freedom Press
Bookshop, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX,
ENGLAND.  web:

_Freedom: Anarchist Fortnightly_, Vol. 60, No. 16, 7 August 1999.
Contains articles on Kosovo ("Kosovo: facts and figures"), Britain's
Labour Party (and the movement called "New Labour"), Jim Allen and
Spain, an HMO scandal in Britain, a 1920 issue of "The Daily Mail"
that made predictions for the year 2000, the WTO, book reviews, and
letters.  Available from Freedom Press, address given above.

_LAB News_, Summer 1999. "The Latin American Bureau is an independent
research and publishing organisation.  It works to broaden public
understanding of the issues of human rights and social and economic
justice in Latin America and the Caribbean."  Has announcements, news
from the organization, events, and letters.
Latin American Bureau, 1 Amwell Street, London EC1R 1UL.  Tel. +44
(0)171 278 2829.  Fax. +44 (0)171 278 0165.  email: lab[at]

_Campaign to Free Vanunu and for a nuclear-free middle east.
Newsletter Summer 1999_.  News relating to the imprisonment and
campaign to free Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli political prisoner.
Vanunu was jailed for releasing secrets about Israel's nuclear
program, such as the fact that it exists.  Complicating the issue is
the fact that Vanunu is a Christian and has been further punished for
refusing to participate in Jewish observances while imprisoned.
Campaign to Free Vanunu, 185 New Kent Road, London SE1 4AG.  Tel. +44
171 378 9324.  Email: campaign[at]  website:

_WARNING - THIS IS PROPAGANDA: The Comic Book for Working Class
Radicals and Left Wing Intellectuals_., issue 2.  At 32 pages, this
is a nice, fat zine.  Lots of fun to be had with Tony Blair and the
neolibbers, National Front skinheads, "Champaign Socialists",
"PARA-NOID, the trendy lefty who's gonna change the world", Disney,
yuppies, the facial hair of great radical (well, communist) leaders
in history, and an interview with the Mekons.  It has a sad edge,
unavoidably. Contact: WTIP, Red Planet Books, 3 Ardleigh Road, London
N1 4HS.

_The Freethinker: Secular Humanist Monthly_ Vol. 119, No. 10, October
1999.  Has news on the politics and culture of religion and anti
religion in Britain and worldwide.  G W Foote & Company, 25 Red Lion
Square, London WC1R 4RL.  email: editor[at]  website:

_MAUBERE: Newletter of the East Timor Ireland Solidarity Campaign_,
issue 17, August, 1999.  Has highly detailed, valuable news about the
situation in East Timor, as well as pieces on other topics.  Contact:
East Timor Ireland Solidarity Campaign, Room 16, 24 Dame St., Dublin
2.  Tel/Fax (country code?) 671-9207.  email:
etisc[at]  web:

12. Green Flash Page -

          Excellent information on the "phenomena seen at sunrise
          and sunset, when some part of the Sun suddenly changes
          color (at sunset, from red or orange to green or blue)."
          There are pictures (with photographs, simulations, and
          clarification about crepuscular rays), explanations, advice
          on how to best see one, and facts debunking common
          misconceptions about green flashes. There is also an
          annotated bibliography on green flashes, mirages, and
          related atmospheric refraction phenomena as well as an
          extensive list of links to related sites. Maintained by
          astronomer Andrew T. Young at San Diego State
          University. - cl
          Subjects: astronomy

Librarians' Index to the Internet

  L I B R A R Y   J U I C E

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| fee of $10 per year, variable based on ability and
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| Original material and added value in Library Juice    
| is copyright-free; beyond that the publisher makes
| no guarantees.  Library Juice is a free weekly 
| publication edited and published by Rory Litwin. 
| Original senders are credited wherever possible;
| opinions are theirs.  If you are the author of some
| email in Library Juice which you want removed from
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