Library Juice 2:41 - October 27, 1999


1. Eighty Books for 21st Century Girls
2. Britannica Gives In and Gets Online
3. Freedom to Read Foundation announces new web address
4. In Crisis Is Opportunity: Making the Best of a Public Relations Problem
5. Talk vs. I.F.
6. "5 Best Ready Reference Sources" list from LIBREF-L
7. Pledge Break
8. Zine resources
9. WorldCat Top 100 Books in Libraries
10. A Case against Outsourcing Materials Selection
11. Contribute to ALA's Core Values codification project
12. Justin Winsor Prize
13. Discovering America As It Is (book)
15. New WTO meeting website (anti-WTO)
16. Seattle General Strike Project  (1919 general strike info)
17. The Official U. S. Time
18. The Dollar Stretcher
19. Open the Doors (poem)
20. Three Sites for Ghouls and Goblins
21. The Pond

Quote for the week:

"...And remember, if you can't find it in the library catalog, it
looks like it isn't real or never happened." 

-Sandy Berman, in a talk last night which included many examples of
bibliocide by cataloging.  Most of the subject headings Berman offered
as needed for adoption by LC had a political aspect - to their exclusion
as well as to their need - but are justifiable simply based on sound
cataloging principles.

Homepage of the week: Cheryl Zobel




"Eighty Books for 21st Century Girls."

Don Wood
American Library Association
Office for Intellectual Freedom

2. Britannica Gives In and Gets Online

Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 13:12:31 -0400
From: "Byron C. Mayes" <bcmayes[at]>
To: GLB Librarians <gay-libn[at]>
Subject: Britannica Gives In and Gets Online

Here's an interesting twist. Story from the L.A. Times. Full article at
the link below.--bc

----------(cut here)----------

Britannica Gives In and Gets Online
By JONATHAN GAW, Times Staff Writer

For more than two centuries, Encyclopaedia Britannica was the
standard-bearer collection of knowledge in the English-speaking world,
sold  only through its own sales force at a premium price.

But now the publication is on the verge of becoming the buggy-whip
manufacturer of the Information Age.

A shell of its former self, Britannica is taking the risky step
--starting today--of posting the entire contents of its 32-volume set
on the Internet for free. It hopes to make money by selling advertising
on  its Web site, a well-worn but still unproven business model.

"There are so many sites competing for your attention that to try
to rise above the noise and  cacophony is going to be extremely hard,"
said  David Sanderson, head of the electronic commerce practice at
consulting firm Bain & Co. "This is going to be very, very tough for
them to do."

It is a risk Encyclopaedia Britannica officials feel they must take.

[Read the full article at --bc]

  Byron C. Mayes * Head, Library Systems and Technology
  Temple University Libraries
  1210 W Berks Street * Philadelphia, PA 19122-6088
  bcmayes[at] * 215-204-5797 * Fax: 215-204-5201
  Listowner, BLACK-IP, The Black Information Professionals' Network

3. Freedom to Read Foundation announces new web address:

The Freedom to Read Foundation home page can be found at

The site includes the Foundation's history, people, and projects;
information on legal issues regarding libraries; the First Amendment;
and more.

Please update your bookmarks and links to FTRF.

Also included is the new GIVE button, which allows FTRF to accept
online donations through a secure, third-party browser, using any
major credit card. 

Don Wood


In Crisis Is Opportunity: Making the Best of a Public Relations Problem
by Lani Yoshimura

This article discusses strategies for dealing with the press when they
come to you with a controversial issue involving the library.  In this
case, the issue is internet filtering, when the library is in a rural
community with an active pro-filtering group.  Lani Yoshimura is a
librarian at the Gilroy Public Library, part of the Santa Clara County
Library System.

5. Talk vs. I.F.

An article for FAIR by Norman Solomon, discussing the differences
between these two new magazines.  If only collection development were
as simple as answering the question, "what materials have the greatest

6. "5 Best Ready Reference Sources" list from LIBREF-L

Date:    Thu, 21 Oct 1999 19:54:18 -0400
From:    librefed <librefed[at]>
Subject: "5 Best Ready Reference Sources" list
MIME-Version: 1.0

>===== Original Message From jhall2[at] =====

Last week I asked for opinions on the "5 ready reference sources" you
would have mentioned if asked in an interview. I was very pleased by the
response I got from this question.  Thanks to all who took the time to
give me their opinion.

I received a total of 38 responses.  Some gave their one favorite
source.  Others gave me 10, as they had been asked for that many in
interviews.  Most gave me five.  I received an average of 3.6 sources
per response, for a total of 45 discrete items.  Below is a compilation
of all answers, in descending order by the # of votes per resource.
Again, thanks to everyone who gave me their opinion.  I not only will
benefit from the answers in future interviews, but I will keep this and
use it wherever I land.

#       Resource
--      --------
23      World Almanac
19      Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
17      Dictionary (biological, language, geographic, American Heritage,
Websters, Random House, etc.)
13      World Book Encyclopedia
11      Local Phone Book
7       New York Public Library Desk Reference
6       Encyclopedia of Associations
4       Bartlett's Quotations
3       Encyclopedia Britannica
3       Internet terminal
3       Map of immediate geographic area
3       Health manual/handbook (Merck, Mayo, etc.)
3       One-volume encyclopedia
3       Times World Atlas
2       Dun & Bradstreet's Million Dollar Directory
2       Famous First Facts
2       Almanac (Florida, Texas, etc.)
2       Guinness Book of Records
3       Style Manual (MLA, APA)
2       Occupational Outlook Handbook
2       Oxford English Dictionary
2       Statesman's Yearbook
2       Hoover's Handbook of American Business
2       Legislative Manual, (New Jersey, etc.)
1       Biography and Genealogy Master Index
1       Business Phone Book USA
1       Career Guide, a
1       Chase's Calendar of Events
1       Complete Drug Reference
1       DDC2
1       Eeerdman's Handbook to the World's Religions
1       State Statistical Abstract (Florida)
1       General Guide to Reference Books
1       Government Phone Book USA
1       Granger's
1       Information Please Almanac
1       Internet directory
1       Local social services agency directory
1       Physician's Desk Reference
1       Readers Guide to Periodical Literature
1       State Government Directory, a
1       Taylor's Encyclopedia of Government Officials
1       U.S. Government handbook
1       Washington Information Directory
1       World Almanac of U.S. Politics
----    ----------------------------------
45      Total resouces
160     total votes
3.6     resources/votes


Jerrie Hall

7. Pledge Break

For readers so inclined: I am asking for a voluntary donation of $10
per year (variable based on ability and desire to pay) to cover
operation expenses and to pay me a little bit for the time I devote
to this service.  This is a pressure-free, guilt-free request,
designed so that I can continue to publish Library Juice as I begin
to work full-time as a librarian, and do it without running ads or
restricting access to subscribers only.  You can send checks (made
out to Rory Litwin) to Rory Litwin, Library Juice, PO Box 720511,
San Jose, CA  95172-0511.  Thanks for your support!

-Rory Litwin
Library Juice editor/publisher

8. Zine resources

Cheryl Zobel's piece on zines in public libraries

Chris Dodge's article on zines from Counterpoise 1:3

A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press (Formerly Zine World)

Zine libraries

Article for American Libraries by Ron Chepesiuk
on libraries collecting zines

Much more at The Book of Zines:


9. WorldCat Top 100 Books in Libraries

The Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) recently surveyed WorldCat,
its Online Union Catalog, to determine the most common books held in
library collections. This year's winner, found in 3,971 libraries,
was _In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-run
Companies_, by Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr. Books one
would expect to top the list, such as the Bible or Shakespeare's
works, did not rank because there are so many editions, each of which
is listed separately. Users can browse the list of 100 titles at the
site. The books are listed by rank and include number of libraries
holding them and OCLC number. [MD]

> From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.


Consider the Source:
A Case against Outsourcing Materials Selection in Academic Libraries
by Charles Willett

[Charles Willett, publisher of CRISES Press, Inc., is former Coordinator of
the Alternatives in Print Task Force of  the Social Responsibilities
Round Table of the American Library Association and editor of its new
review journal, Counterpoise.  He has exhibited alternative press
materials at each ALA conference since 1991.   He formerly worked in
acquisitions and collection management at the Harvard College
Library. SUNY/Buffalo, and the University of Florida.  This article
is based on the talk he gave at the meeting of the Collection
Management in Academic Libraries Discussion Group (ALCTS/CMDS) at the
January 1998 ALA Midwinter Meeting in New Orleans.]



Meanwhile, the ALA leadership doesn't seem to recognize that the
alternative press exists.  Pore over ALA Goal 2000 and Beyond: A
Strategic Path to 2001.  The words "alternative press" are not
mentioned.  U.S. libraries and ALA ignore the fact that America is
steeped in propaganda and misinformation and is in deep economic,
political and social crisis.  Look at the miserable statistics about
rape, murder, suicide, divorce, prisoners, illiteracy, children in
poverty, people without health insurance, homelessness, hunger,
racism, sexism and classism.  Look at the figures of what has
happened to unions, jobs and wages of working people during the past
25 years, while the top one-tenth of one percent of the population
has become insanely rich.  Look at the details about how many people
in unworthy countries (North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia,
Indonesia, East Timor, Philippines, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq,
Libya, Somalia, Angola, Nigeria, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti,
Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatamala, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico
and many more) have been killed, maimed, starved, sickened, tortured,
disappeared, falsely imprisoned, or driven off their land as the
direct or indirect result of U.S. government and mega-corporate
policies-all this in flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, which is rarely taught, discussed or even printed in
this country.

We have reached the point where all our public institutions are in
disarray and under great economic and political pressure to
capitulate to corporate elites.  The library is the last truly free
public space in America.  And now some of its administrators are
privatizing selection and publishing articles like "Why Outsourcing
Is Our Friend: Only the Outsourced Will Survive in the Growing Clamor
for Lean Mean Service Machines," as Ronald Dubberly recently wrote in
American Libraries.    He is the retired director of the
Atlanta-Fulton Public Library, co-owner of Dubberly Associates, Inc.,
and a member of Library Systems and Services, Inc.'s Advisory Council,
which is now administering the totally outsourced materials selection
and cataloging contract for the enormous public library system in
Riverside County, California.

Look at book vendors and consider the source.  See what happened
last year to the Hawaii State Public Library System, as reported in
the presentation by the Hawaii Working Group at the ALA conference in
June 1997.   See what is happening now with federal libraries, as
described by R. Lee Hadden of the U.S. Geological Survey Library.
See the ten points summarized in the sidebar "Hidden Consequences of
Outsourcing Library Selection and Cataloging."  See what happens when
librarians abandon their professional responsibilities.

Then look at the alternative press.  Look at the directory,
Alternative Publishers of Books in North America.   Look at the
reviews and articles in Counterpoise.  Consider the many
conscientious authors, editors and publishers who put content ahead
of profit.  Acknowledge librarians' duty to make alternative
materials available for use and to secure the independence, integrity
and accountability of America's libraries.


11. Contribute to ALA's Core Values codification project

From: Highsmith Press <hpress[at]>
To: ALA Council List <alacoun[at]>
Subject: Core Values Task Force
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 14:00:33 -0500

To: Members of Council and subscribers to the Council discussion list.
This is written in response to the comments that recently appeared on the
Council discussion list pertinent to the Core Values Task Force. In
addition to the development of a statement on core values, the task force
is also charged with the responsibility to seeking input from all sectors
of the profession on the draft statement. I would invite any member of
Council, especially chapter and division representatives, and any member
of the Association, to send your suggestions, concerns or questions with
regard to core values to my attention. If your unit has adopted a
statement on core values, or if you have personal feelings on the topic,
please forward these statements or comments. I will share these with the
other members of the Core Values Task Force.

In addition to reviewing the documents collected by the Congress on
Professional Education on core values, we have requested assistance from
the ALA Office of Research and Library on previously published articles
and research on core values, and sample statements developed by other
professions. The Task Force is meeting in Chicago during Nov. 19-21, and
we hope to develop a draft statement by the close of that meeting. We
intend to disseminate that draft to the ALA divisions, roundtables,
chapters, affiliates and other library-related organizations prior to and
during the ALA Midwinter conference to gain their advice. The members of
the task force are affiliated with many of these organizations, and we
will seek to establish contacts with as many of the governing bodies of
these groups as possible. Copies of the draft will be distributed during
Midwinter at the ALA literature distribution center and published in
Cognotes for the members. We have also requested a room for a hearing on
the draft at the Midwinter Conference.

Don Sager, Chair
ALA Core Values Task Force
Donald J. Sager, Publisher, Highsmith Press, P.O. Box 800, Ft.
Atkinson, WI 53538-0800. Tel. 920/563-9571. Fax: 920/563-4801.
E-mail: <dsager[at]>. Web:

12. Justin Winsor Prize

Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:40:27 -0500
From: H-LIS Editor <malone[at]>
Subject: ANN:Justin Winsor Prize

This is a slightly edited version of the announcement at on  the American Library
Association Website.  --ed.

Justin Winsor Prize

The Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American Library Association
(ALA) is accepting submissions for the 2000 Justin Winsor Prize for the
best library history essay. The application deadline is February 1, 2000.

The award, named in honor of the distinguished 19th century librarian,
historian, and bibliographer who was also ALA's first president, consists
of a $500 cash award. It includes an invitation to have the winner's paper
considered for publication in _Libraries and Culture_
( The winner will also be
invited to present a summary of the paper at ALA's 2000 Annual Conference
in Chicago, July 6-12.

Manuscripts submitted should not be previously published, previously
submitted for publication, or under consideration for publication or
another award. To be considered, essays should embody original historical
research on a significant topic in library history, be based on primary
sources materials whenever possible, and use good English composition and
superior style.

Essays should be organized in a form similar to that of articles published
in _Libraries and Culture_, with footnotes, spelling and punctuation
conforming to the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Papers
should not exceed 35 typewritten, double-spaced pages.

Three copies of the manuscript should be submitted. The name and other
information identifying the author should appear only on a separate cover
letter. Submit manuscripts to Mary Jo Lynch, American Library
Association/LHRT, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.

Decisions will be made by LHRT's Justin Winsor Prize Committee.

13. Discovering America As It Is (book)

Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 01:03:34 -0700
From: "Rolanda Petkute" <rolanda[at]>
To: Juice[at]
Subject: New Book Reveals America As It Is

Dear reader,

The book I would like to bring to your attention is Discovering
America As It Is by Valdas Anelauskas, a monumental study of the
devastating effect American-style ultra-capitalism is having on the
American people -- something that people in other countries, and
Europeans in particular, need to know, as the American Way is going
global. This book raises serious questions concerning America's role
as a leading model for development, and even as to its future
capacity to compete due to the deterioration of its "human capital"
-- the American people -- resulting from its anti-social domestic

Valdas Anelauskas is a Lithuanian journalist and former anti-Soviet
dissident who was expelled from the USSR for his human rights
activities. He was received in the U.S. as a high profile political
dissident, and initially even addressed American audiences alongside
powerful right-wing American politicians like Newt Gingrich. While
many anti-Soviet human rights activists turned to the United States
to champion their cause, and many even emigrated to the USA, few have
publicly exposed their view of human rights as practiced in the United
States. That fact, in itself, would make DISCOVERING AMERICA AS IT IS
an important book, coming as it does from someone of this background.

Ten years of observation of American reality has led Anelauskas to
conclude that the U.S. extreme capitalist system represents an even
greater threat than Soviet mock-communism to the well-being of the
world. He paints an extraordinary portrait of the America he
discovered -- the true America, as it exists in actuality, for most
Americans. His book explores with shock and indignation the lot of
vast millions of ordinary people in the richest country in the world,
which surely could treat its citizens at least as well as other
industrialized nations do, but refuses to. Thirteen highly documented
chapters -- on poverty, crime, health, education, homelessness, income
inequities and the replacement of welfare by "workfare" (which appears
to be reintroducing slavery to America) -- detail the public disarray
which results from an unfettered system of great wealth where the
rich determine the social priorities. This is hardly the America of
the movies and the slick magazines which be! dazzle the world with
images of American prosperity.

This blistering reality is not "one man's opinion," but rather has
been scrupulously culled - in nearly 600 pages with literally
thousands of citations -- from the very latest researches by
international organizations, domestic and international NGOs,
independent U.S. think tanks and experts, and even from American
government and business sources. While most critiques focus on one
social sector or another, Anelauskas' multidimensional study brings
them all together, and the impact is staggering. What this book
enables us to grasp -- both intellectually and emotionally -- is the
predatory and wasteful operation of unbridled capitalism as practiced
in America, and the needless, preventable injury it is wreaking upon

Anelauskas' study makes detailed comparisons between the U.S. and the
former Soviet Union, and also, even more tellingly, with the
capitalist countries of Western Europe.  What people need to consider
is: Does capitalism have to weigh upon people so mercilessly -- or is
the American version more extreme, more pitiless than that of other
industrialized nations? Anelauskas found the U.S. shockingly
deficient in the areas of economic and social human rights, and
extensively documented the extent to which citizens of all other
industrialized countries generally fare far better than, actually,
most Americans.

So... how long will the relative prosperity of the citizens of other
industrial nations be able to continue, in face of the extension of
the American model?  Truly, should the countries of the world be
rushing to follow the American example -- or rather, moving
strenuously to protect their social structures from the future that
America seeks to impose, as forewarned in Anelauskas' final chapter,
"The New World Order Takes Shape."  This culminating chapter
provides a clearer understanding of the true source of America's
"know-how" as it relates to accumulating wealth and to maintaining
it.  From the expropriation of Indian lands, and the exploitation of
African slave labor, to a taste for empire which spread to the
continental rim, then jumped across many waters in a hundred-year
history of invasions all around the globe, culminating at last in the
hegemonic military-economic grip on the world by what many in the
world view as a Rogue Superpower -- from the loot of domestic co!
lonialism to that of colonialism, then neocolonialism abroad -- this
is America as it is. 

Perhaps the popular vision of America has been wrong for a very long
time, as the book's Foreword by international legal specialist, Y.N.
Kly, suggests?

Famous American historian Howard Zinn (Professor Emeritus, Boston
University and author of A People's History of the United States)
wrote about this book as follows: "This is an extraordinary book,
especially startling not because it is a diligently researched and
scathing critique of contemporary America, but because it is written
by a Soviet dissident who arrived here with great expectations and
discovered a sobering reality. The scope of the book is breathtaking,
a sweeping survey, factually precise and philosophically provocative,
which deserves to be compared to de Tocqueville's 19th century
classic.  I hope it will be widely read."

According to David Gil, Director of the Center for Policy Change at
Brandeis University, Anelauskas' book is "a veritable tour de
force... a rich source for understanding the forces which shape the
quality of all our lives."  Well-known American Indian author and
activist, Ward Churchill, writes:  "If just one-in-ten lifelong
Americans had ever bothered themselves to learn as much about their
country as has this recent Lithuanian immigrant, the horrors he
writes about would never have existed.  This is must reading for the
entire population."

This is why I took liberty of bothering you with this information. If
you would like to find out more about DISCOVERING AMERICA AS IT IS,
you can visit the website of the publisher, Clarity Press, Inc., at:

Thank you for your attention.





The World Trade Organization: A Citizenís Guide, by Steven Shrybman
(CCPA/Lorimer publishers)

As environmental lawyer and leading trade specialist Steven Shrybman
says in the preface to his new book on the WTO, "remaining uninformed
about issues that so directly bear on so many aspects of contemporary
life is a luxury no democratic society can afford." His book is a must
read for all who wish to participate in the much needed debate about
international trade in general and the WTO in particular.

The World Trade Organization: A Citizen's Guide is available at major
bookstores in Canada or from the CCPA. Steven Shrybman is Executive
Director of the Vancouver-based West Coast Environmental Law
Association. For more information including an excerpt from the book,
visit the CCPA web site at: or call:

[This from: Bruce Campbell, Executive Director, Canadian Centre for
Policy Alternatives, Suite 410, 75 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7
Tel: 613-563-1341 Fax: 613-233-1458 mailto:brucec[at]


Book on Human Rights and the WTO

INCHRITI (the International NGO Committee on Human Rights in Trade and
Investment) is to lauch the following book, published in co-operation
with the Global Publications Foundation and ICDA, shortly before the
Seattle Ministerial Conference:

"Human Rights and Economic Globalisation: Directions for the WTO",
Mehra, M. (Ed.), Global Publication Foundation, Sweden. November 1999.
ISBN 91-973739-0-7.

"Do human rights matter to international trade policy in a globalising
economy? Or are they a distraction better left to specialist bodies and
kept well out of international economic bodies such as the World Trade

Copies of the book, with a Foreword by Mary Robinson, UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights, will be given to all Head of Delegations
at the WTO as well Heads of National Commissions for Human Rights to
connect the trade and human rights policy communities. INCHRITI is also
planning other activities at Seattle and beyond - details will be sent
out in due course.

For review copies or more information, please contact: Malini Mehra,


Whose Trade Organization Corporate Globalization & the Erosion of
Democracy by Lori Wallach and Michelle Sforza.

Whose Trade Organization is a ground-breaking book which documents the
five year record of the powerful World Trade Organization(WTO). Based
on a year of intensive research, this book reviews the specific cases
and outcomes that have made the WTO increasingly controversial
worldwide. Not one public health, safety or environmental policy that
has been challenged before the WTO has been upheld; all have been found
to be "trade barriers," which must be eliminated. Most Americans are
unaware that such decisions are being made behind closed doors at the
WTO without the most basic due process guarantees.

For more information, contact: Margrete Strand Rangnes, Public Citizen
Global Trade Watch, 215 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Washington DC, 20003 USA
mailto:mstrand[at], 202-454-5106

15. New WTO meeting website (anti-WTO)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:58:38 -0400
From: Margrete Strand-Rangnes <mstrand[at]>
To: Multiple recipients of list MAI-INTL <mai-intl[at]>
Subject: (wto) WTO Web Site Launched!

Check it out!

Your "one-stop" WTO web site is now up and running:

The calendar of all the events planned for Seattle are posted here, you
can sign up to volunteer, find housing during the Ministerial, learn
more about the WTO and globalization, find tons of great links to
organizations, and find out what YOU can do to STOP the WTO!
This page will be updated almost daily, so make sure to bookmark it and
check it often.

A special thanks goes out to Communicopia (www. for
donating the time and resources to make the great design of the page.

We hope the site is useful to you, and inspires you to join us in
Seattle Nov. 26 - Dec. 3. for an historic confrontation between civil
society and corporate rule.

If you have suggestions and additions for the page, contact BillAal at

Global Trade Watch
Public Citizen
 and the
Citizens Trade Campaign
 as well as
People for Fair Trade
 not to mention
Network Opposed to the WTO


On the Internet at

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
included information for research and educational purposes.

Margrete Strand Rangnes
MAI Project Coordinator
Public Citizen Global Trade Watch
215 Pennsylvania Ave, SE
Washington DC, 20003 USA
202-547 7392 (fax)

To subscribe to our MAI Listserv send an e-mail to mstrand[at], or
subscribe directly by going to our website, (Please indicate organizational affiliation if any, and
also where you found out about this listserv)

Search the MAI-NOT & MAI-INTL archives at

16. Seattle General Strike Project  (1919 general strike info)

The Seattle General Strike Project is an on-line resource center for
information about the 1919 General Strike and related labor history of
Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. It offers original research reports,
published articles, photographs, political cartoons, document facsimiles,
and extensive bibliographic and archival guides. Among the more
interesting links are an IWW maintained map of general strikes around the
world and a guide to the music and lyrics of the rock opera "Seattle 1919"
recorded in 1985 by the FUSE.  Sponsored by the University of Washington
Labor Studies Center, the page is coordinated by Professor James Gregory
and features among other things research reports written by students in
his History 498 senior seminar.

From: Seth Wigderson <sethw[at]>


To subscribe to AGITPROP NEWS,
the LAMP weekly digest of news and humor for artists and activists:

Send to: listserv[at]
Message: subscribe agitprop_news Your Name

17. The Official U. S. Time

>From the site description:
"This public service is cooperatively provided by the
two time agencies of United States:  a Department of
Commerce agency, the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), and its military counterpart,
the U. S. Naval Observatory (USNO). Readings from
the clocks of these agencies contribute to world
time, called Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The
time maintained by both agencies should never differ
by more than 0.000 0001 seconds from UTC."

According to the site, time provided "should
generally be accurate within 1 second."

Related resources are available here as well under
"Time Exhibits":

Please note: This service uses Java.

For more information on this service see

Submitted by:
The ResPool Listowner

From ResPool -

18. The Dollar Stretcher -

        Subtitled Your weekly resource for simple living, this
        site contains a newsletter each week with articles (many
        contributed by readers) covering the range of ways to
        "live better for less." Recent topics covered include:
        review of WebTV, car warranties, Halloween costume
        ideas, gas saving tips, first time moms, and healthy
        freezer meals. The articles are archived back to April,
        1996 and arranged in several helpful ways. You can find
        them listed by subject (Reference Library), Problem,
        Date, and Author. In addition, Tips, Quips & Quotes
        contains hundreds of suggestions from readers on each
        topic covered. - et
        Subjects: home economics | consumers | shopping

Librarians' Index to the Internet

19. Open the Doors (poem)

Poem for the Grand Opening of the Ridgedale Library (MN)
by Chris Dodge and Solveig Nilsen

Open the Doors

We the people of this place,
Having set ourselves to the task,
Having planted an idea
and nurtured it into action,
Having committed our resources
to the re-creation of this
shape-shifting library,

We the people of this community,
now open its doors to all.

We the numerous ordinary folks of this place
near the shores of Lake Minnetonka,
Immigrants and native people
of the upper Mississippi Valley,
In the county of Hennepin,
the state of Minnesota,
We citizens, inhabitants of Mother Earth,
Open the doors of this library
to extraordinary worlds within
and outside its walls.

We had a vision, and we made it live
Brick upon brick,
Glass set in frame:
A building reborn.

We humans did this.
We architects and planners
and taxpayers and construction workers,
We had a vision, and we did the work.

We humans did this.
We the excavators, backhoe operators
and pile drivers,
We the pipe fitters and cement masons
and tin knockers,
We the drywall tapers and layers of tile,
We the interior designers and project planners
say: "Open these doors!"

We the shelvers of books, we networkers,
We the catalogers, the computer technicians,
We circulation workers say:
"Open 'em wide!"

We had a vision and we did the work,
Glass set in frame: a building reborn.

We the painters, we plumbers,
We the rough and finish carpenters,
We glaziers, we electricians,
We had a vision, and we made it live.

We dreamers and doers,
We had a vision, and we made it live.
We the proofreaders, we the poets,
We the people say "Open these doors!"
We the writers, we the children,
We builders, we the elders say: "Open 'em up!"

We citizen readers, we watchers of films,
We students, we teachers,
We askers of questions,
We the publishers, we printers, we musicians,
We the diggers, we skiers and skaters
and wheelers and dancers,
We the  mothers, the daughters,
the sons and the fathers, say "Open the doors!"

Open these doors for the better,
to the laws of physics
and the lives of the lives of the saints,

Open these doors to the languages of the world:
Laotian, Norwegian, Swahili, and Russian,
and to the Spanish tongue, and the Ojibwe,

Open these doors to images of art
and to all the recorded sounds
of every time and place, of animals and birds,
and drums and flutes, solos and symphony.

Open these doors to high and low,
history and myth, sacred and secular,
fact and theory.

To all these worlds of possibility:
Open the doors most joyfully!
To a world of true diversity:
black and green, red and white,
rural and urban, serious and silly,
To seekers and reachers,
to curvy and straight,
to those who suffer
and all those outside the lines, we say:

Open these doors
with utmost pride and pleasure!

Finally! It's ready! Come on in!
Shout praise and cheer!
To liberty!
Shout praise and cheer!
To the library!
We say:
Let this place spark our imagination into flame!
Let it fuel our dreams!

We say: Sound the drums!
Open the doors!
Let's celebrate today!

[Note from the editor - Chris Dodge has just quit his inhospitable job
at Hennepin County Library, where he had worked happily with Sandy Berman
for years before things got hairy, and has now joined the staff of the
Utne Reader, where he will be a great resource and find inspiration in
his environment.  Congratulations, Chris!]

20. Three Sites for Ghouls and Goblins

Halloween Online

The scariest night of the year is almost upon us, and these three
sites will help users get into the proper "spirit." The first,
Halloween Online, is simply put a massive Halloween resource, with
decorating and costume tips; a guide to carving and displaying your
pumpkins; a selection of featured articles and interviews; Halloween
recipes; downloadable graphics ("Scream Savers") and music files;
e-cards; online games; and a large collection of links, among other
offerings. The second site covers one subject, and it covers it well:
Jack-O-Lanterns. At the site, users can learn the history of
Jack-O-Lanterns, pick up carving techniques, download free printable
patterns, read a FAQ, and browse a gallery. While not strictly a
Halloween site, will help any users out for a spooky
fix. This searchable metasite indexes a variety of horror-related
sites, grouping them by topic, such as Ghosts, Werewolves, Halloween,
Vampires, etc. Each link is briefly annotated, and users are invited
to rank them. Also included at the site are What's New and Top Rated
lists and electronic horror greeting cards to send to your fiends.

> From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.


21. The Pond

Better seen than described, The Pond:

  L I B R A R Y   J U I C E

| Original material and added value in Library Juice
| is copyright-free; beyond that the publisher makes
| no guarantees.  Library Juice is a free weekly
| publication edited and published by Rory Litwin.
| Original senders are credited wherever possible;
| opinions are theirs. Your comments and suggestions
| are welcome.    Juice[at]

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